Yay for another library!

Little Library on a wooden post in Bay City, Michigan

I first saw a Little Free Library downstate when I was taking my dog for eye specialist appointments. Bay City, Michigan, where I live isn’t small by some standards at just short of 35,000 residents, but it’s safe to say that most trends show up downstate first and then trickle upward.

I LOVED this idea, so much so that on one of my last trips to the area, I made certain to contribute some books. I also wanted to host a library, but not all my home’s residents were keen on inviting traffic to the yard.

Bummer, I thought. Bay City could use this.

Needless to say I was quite excited to spot one the other day as I was driving down Center Avenue. I knew immediately what it was:

Little Library on a wooden post in Bay City, Michigan

It’s at 2600 Center Avenue, just two houses off the rail-trail, so an excellent location. But its contents seemed a little sparse:

Closeup of contents of Bay City Little Free Library

Easy to solve. I gathered five contributions without even dipping into storage:

Covers of five books

The storage and gardening books I got from a friend who was cleaning out a parent’s house; the first I won’t use after all and the second covers information I have in other books. The “last suppers” was interesting but I won’t reread it. The Barnes & Noble edition of Frida Kahlo I also am done with, but I’m hanging on to the Dali book.

I’m most thrilled to get my talented friend Karen Totten’s work into someone else’s hands. I wanted to give some poetry away and wasn’t sure what I could part with, then found I somehow had two copies of this chapbook.

My husband had seen me leaving with books, so when I returned he was surprised to see one in my hand – Marie Kondo’s tidying cult manual. “It’s a library,” I reminded him. “I’ll read it and return it.”

I’ll probably send it back with some paper friends.

UPDATE, April 10: We get one in our neighborhood! I contacted the Saginaw Basin Land Conservancy, which tends Discovery Preserve a few blocks from my house, to see if they would want to host a library. Turns out they’re installing one on Earth Day that was donated by the Bay County Library System and Bay City Noon Rotary Club, and plan to stock it initially with field guides and nature-oriented books for people of all ages. So now I can adopt that one.

Pet Pic, 042116 edition

Pecking order in squirrel world. One sits on the balcony rail, eating and guarding the food below, while another waits in a tree for its turn. [April 10]

Outdoor photos today, although more than half of them were taken through windows.

Yes, I spoil the squirrels. This one knows life is good, and is watching me watching her. Yes, that is snow. [April 10]
Yes, I spoil the squirrels. This one knows life is good, and is watching me watching her. Yes, that is snow. [April 10]
Pecking order in squirrel world. One sits on the balcony rail, eating and guarding the food below, while another waits in a tree for its turn. [April 10]
Pecking order in squirrel world. One sits on the balcony rail, eating and guarding the food below, while another waits in a tree for its turn. [April 10]
Birthday girl Abbey was happy for weather approaching the 70s, FINALLY. She celebrated turning 2 by expanding her favorite hole under the front bushes. [April 17]
Birthday girl Abbey was happy for weather approaching the 70s, FINALLY. She celebrated turning 2 by expanding her favorite hole under the front bushes. [April 17]
I hope to get a better shot of these mourning doves, sometimes, but they’re a skittish pair. I don’t usually see them until early evening, when the other birds and squirrels have pretty well cleared out. [April 17]
I hope to get a better shot of these mourning doves, sometimes, but they’re a skittish pair. I don’t usually see them until early evening, when the other birds and squirrels have pretty well cleared out. [April 17]
Daryl crept outside while I was refilling the suet cage so I allowed him about a minute to prowl the site he spends so much time studying from the other side of the sliding glass door. A rescue who spent the first 10 months of his life outside, he has ventured out only a handful of times in the year-plus we have had him. [April 18]
One of my favorite signs of warm weather: our bee friends! Clover is about all they have for now, but they will be very busy on our raspberry patch this summer. [April 19]
One of my favorite signs of warm weather: our bee friends! Clover is about all they have for now, but they will be very busy on our raspberry patch this summer. [April 19]
There were only a few kernels left on this cob, but this squirrel was determined to get every one. [April 21]
There were only a few kernels left on this cob, but this squirrel was determined to get every one. [April 21]