Pet Pics, 031317 edition


Daryl winding around Abbey this afternoon.

When Daryl joined us just over two years ago, he weighed 7.7 pounds, had just been diagnosed as FIV positive and had some of his collar and belly fur trimmed off because he was so matted from spending the first 10 months of his life outdoors. At his checkup last week, he was pronounced in perfect health and weighed 15.3 pounds.

If you are considering adopting an FIV-positive cat, feel free to contact me.

Pet Pics, 101416 edition

two dogs fighting over a box

dog chewing box
Abbey loves boxes. If one is opened, she runs in and looks up eagerly. They usually are awarded to her. [Aug. 22, 2016]
Abbey is unlike any dog we’ve ever had. She’s a mix, for one – half Labrador retriever, half golden retriever. You wouldn’t know it to look at her, but her parents’ colors are fox and black.

She also has personality quirks that are new to us on this fourth dog we’ve had. None of our other dogs, for example, showed any inclination to lie on the arms or backs of furniture. And while they liked food and food containers and food wrappers, cardboard boxes were of no interest unless they, well, smelled like food.

Not this one. Sure, that box she has in the top photo might smell ever so slightly of the rice and spices that were wrapped in plastic within. But she is equally happy to bound off with a Kleenex box.

And it’s infectious, apparently. Maggie never showed any interest in boxes until Abbey had to have them. Curious, she started investigating, and now they fight over them.

Daryl? Well, as a friend of mine once noted, you could put a postage stamp in the middle of a sports stadium and a cat would find it and sit on it. Box = cardboard = paper = approved.

two dogs fighting over a box
The beginnings of a box fight. Yes, I removed the tear-off strip from the Reynolds Wrap box first. [Sept. 30, 2016]
two dogs fighting over a box
Mid-fight. [Sept. 30, 2016]
dog chewing a box




To the victor go the spoils. [Sept. 30, 2016]









dog chewing a box
Look at that happy face. Could you deny her? [Oct. 6, 2016]
cat lying on a box
Mine. [Oct. 9, 2016]

Pet Pics, 100816 edition

Daryl on newspaper next to food

One word: #caturday. This is a roundup of leftover shots of Daryl, my 2-year-old, FIV-positive rescue.

Daryl on top of piano

Daryl sitting outside in windowbox

You can’t tell here what he’s sitting in, so I’ll explain. He’s sitting in a windowbox that didn’t have any plants in it. How did he get there? He tore the bottom of the screen from the frame and slid underneath. No me gusta.

Daryl on bubble wrap

Bubble wrap.

Daryl on newspaper next to food

Daryl outside by birdbath

Yes, there’s a cat in this photo, on one of his rare ventures outside. He’s in the shadows of the bushes, stalking the birdbath. The birds were not fooled.

Daryl with indoor plants and Halloween mask


Pet Pics, 052516 edition

Dog and cat sitting together

We have a cat and dog who don’t fight like cats and dogs. The half Lab, half golden retriever (our “little” dog) was nearly 1 when we introduced her for the first time to a cat, a rescue who is exactly 2 weeks older than her. They scrap but they are sparring partners, each as likely to instigate.

Dog and cat sitting together
Despite Daryl’s slight look of suspicion, he and Abbey are just hanging out. This also is a good illustration of their size difference, which isn’t always clear, her at 54 pounds to his 11. [May 14]
Cat and dog sleeping on bed near each other
See? Buds. [April 19]

Pet Pic, 052216 edition

Black longhaired cat sitting on balcony rail and looking skyward

This is the first of at least five days in a row of animal photos, so I hope you come back.

Two photos of dogs in the same hole.
Abbey, right, excavated this spot, but Maggie sometimes borrows it to guard the sidewalk. [April 25, May 2]
Black longhaired cat sitting on balcony rail and looking skyward
Daryl spent the first 10 months of his life outside so he rarely is interested in going out, but the balcony has captured his interest. [May 14]

Pet Pic, 042116 edition

Pecking order in squirrel world. One sits on the balcony rail, eating and guarding the food below, while another waits in a tree for its turn. [April 10]

Outdoor photos today, although more than half of them were taken through windows.

Yes, I spoil the squirrels. This one knows life is good, and is watching me watching her. Yes, that is snow. [April 10]
Yes, I spoil the squirrels. This one knows life is good, and is watching me watching her. Yes, that is snow. [April 10]
Pecking order in squirrel world. One sits on the balcony rail, eating and guarding the food below, while another waits in a tree for its turn. [April 10]
Pecking order in squirrel world. One sits on the balcony rail, eating and guarding the food below, while another waits in a tree for its turn. [April 10]
Birthday girl Abbey was happy for weather approaching the 70s, FINALLY. She celebrated turning 2 by expanding her favorite hole under the front bushes. [April 17]
Birthday girl Abbey was happy for weather approaching the 70s, FINALLY. She celebrated turning 2 by expanding her favorite hole under the front bushes. [April 17]
I hope to get a better shot of these mourning doves, sometimes, but they’re a skittish pair. I don’t usually see them until early evening, when the other birds and squirrels have pretty well cleared out. [April 17]
I hope to get a better shot of these mourning doves, sometimes, but they’re a skittish pair. I don’t usually see them until early evening, when the other birds and squirrels have pretty well cleared out. [April 17]
Daryl crept outside while I was refilling the suet cage so I allowed him about a minute to prowl the site he spends so much time studying from the other side of the sliding glass door. A rescue who spent the first 10 months of his life outside, he has ventured out only a handful of times in the year-plus we have had him. [April 18]
One of my favorite signs of warm weather: our bee friends! Clover is about all they have for now, but they will be very busy on our raspberry patch this summer. [April 19]
One of my favorite signs of warm weather: our bee friends! Clover is about all they have for now, but they will be very busy on our raspberry patch this summer. [April 19]
There were only a few kernels left on this cob, but this squirrel was determined to get every one. [April 21]
There were only a few kernels left on this cob, but this squirrel was determined to get every one. [April 21]